On 29-Jan-2011, Afforestation Kick Off was done at BVBCET. By 31-Dec-2011 BVBCET will have 100,000 saplings planted, covering 8.43 acres of idle land.
Principal Dr. Ashok Shetter planting with joy
Completed and protected with ropes
Students planting
Professors and school students planting
HOD's planting with joy
Dean-Planning and Development other HODs planting saplings
Afforestt teaching plantation method
Dr. Kotturshetter-Dean Planning and Devlopment briefing about event.
Professor Volunteers reading the brochure.
Mound Prepration
Making of manure mix
Base prepartion
An earth mover was used to prepare the rocky soil, Afforestt-BVBCET team worked overnight to get the land ready
Manual Soil preparation
Virgin Land